End of Week Musings: Epistemological is a Stupid Word

I really hate the word “epistemological.”

Generally speaking, I dislike really big words that mean something fairly simple, and epistemological falls under that category.

relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

Just say theory of knowledge, or philosophy of knowledge! It works in almost every context and then I don’t need to trip over my own brain cells to mentally pronounce “epistemological”

I suppose I can admit that in an academic context that could get clunky, but given how many times I’ve typo-ed it I simply want to be enraged at this word. It’s silly and pretentious sounding and I dislike it.

In a world full of people trying to use really big words to express ideas, I usually feel like the loner derp trying to do the exact opposite of that.

How do we take really big ideas and put them into little words? I think that’s really the more useful skill.

I feel better now. #endrant

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