“Hey! Where can I get those lawn signs?”

lawn sign

Have you ever wondered where all of our awesome lawn signs came from? If so, this list is for you. I’ve compiled some links to all the ones we have (and some we don’t) so you can shop around for some educational resources for your own lawn.

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Before you scroll through and wonder, “But I thought these guys were zero waste? Doesn’t that mean they don’t buy things? This seems odd…”

To a significant extent that is correct. We buy very little “stuff,” particularly brand-new stuff. However, educational resources like lawn signs are a critical part of our activism. A sign explaining why we leave our leaves limits complaints and allows us to educate passers-by even when we don’t speak directly.

Buying things is a necessary thing sometimes, and a zero-waste perspective simply allows us a framework to decide when buying a new item is desirable and when it is not.

Leave the Leaves

The Xerces Society has tons of great info about why we should leave our leaves. I love that this sign has a little paragraph explaining the highlights to folks that walk by and see the sign (and our oodles of leaves!)

Pollinator Friendly Garden

There are tons of cute signs on here! It was hard to pick which ones we wanted because we only need so many signs.

pollinator friendly garden lawn sign

National Wildlife Federation Certification

**this one you apply for the certification and at the end of the process, you can pick which sign you want to purchase. We chose the fancy schmancy metal one because it looked nice on our trees, but there are smaller ones.

Don’t like any of these?

If you don’t like any of these ones, you might try looking on Etsy. There are so many cute options! Best of luck to you finding some lawn signs that suit your style and habitat space.

Happy shopping!

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