Midweek Musings: On Blogs, Family Drama and Recycling Centers

crochet cat and blanket

Catchy and ambiguously chaotic headline, eh? I’m quite proud of it.

I’ve been meaning to do this kind of post for quite some time now, but I’ve been so busy doing too many other things to really take the time to start doing it.

Today I’m doing it.

What is it that I’m doing exactly?

One of my 2024 goals is to spend more time simply musing. Thinking out loud, in a sense. But via blog form. When I started blogging in 2020, that was really my main goal – I simply wanted walk through things that occurred to me in daily life that folks in my circle told me that I explained well.

As I start my second to last semester of my graduate program, I have been struck with the reminder that it all really comes back to this: the idea that we can speak our our collective way into changing the narrative. Simply by sharing ideas and unpacking what our words and stories mean to ourselves and to others! Call it rhetoric and discourse, or jib-jabbing or ranting and raving, or, as my mother once called my musings: angry diatribes.

I started this type of musing online in 2020. With relatively little care for formatting, social media, iNfLuEnCiNg, and so forth. I kind of just started talking and let it go where it wanted to go.

And go it has – but now I sort of want to reel it back in. So let’s see how it goes, shall we?

Perhaps it will be lost to the million other projects I have going at any one time. Or perhaps it will be lost to ADHD routine struggles. Or to toddlering or or or or. I don’t know, but I’m going to give it a shot.

Back to that catchy headline! This week’s musings.

This all got brought up to me because I had to make a simple website for my digital rhetoric course that begins on Monday. I was making the little freebie wordpress site, and I thought back to the day Ean’s grandma suggested I start a blog to share my musings. She’d enjoyed my COVID commentary on my personal Facebook page and thought I should start collecting my musings somewhere. I started a freebie blog. Alas, here I am back to musing through 2024 in a similar fashion.

To speak to the family drama part, I’d just like to remind folks that boundaries are for YOU not for other people. Holding them feels good. Not at first – it takes a long time to really get comfy saying things like “I love you, but I will not be drawn into this situation.” But therapy helps. Therapy is for everyone – no one “doesn’t need therapy” and I will die on that hill thank yeeewwwww. (insert acknowledgement that therapy is not accessible enough here)

Ah yes, and on to recycling. I’ve had so many folks reach out to me this week about recycling and I am positively giddy with how daily discourse is shifting on this topic. For the longest time it seemed there was no nuance. Recycling is all we need to do versus recycling is useless. Neither of those two perspectives are complete and it gives me a lot of hope to see more and more folks starting to realize that and take care to learn about and find balance with recycling initiatives.

The End.

That’s all for today, folks! I’m sure (not really) that as I noodle on how I want to do this midweek musings thing they will get shorter, more to the point, and I suppose I would say more “cohesive.” Or perhaps not.

This post was an accountability post on my end to get some things out of my head, and remind myself that complete and flawed is better than incomplete.