Originally posted to our Facebook Page on 10/11/22 after excessive pushback about our online swearing.
It’s Talk About Tough Things Tuesday so let’s tackle politics and swearing, shall we?
We swear here. Our kid swears. We wear sweary shirts, follow sweary pages, and generally live a very profanity-filled life.
”Fuck” is a sentence enhancer and holy fuck our sentences are enhanced okay?
If that makes you uncomfy that is the coolest of beans and I one hundred percent respect your decision not to use bad words. This page, however, is our space and our life and you don’t have to be here to share in this life with us if you don’t want to.
I‘m not boppin’ to the playground in my FPR shirt or anything, but even if I was, it’s incredibly silly that folks can “agree to disagree” with literal fascist folks who want queer and poor folk to get big dead but the word fuck coming out of someone else’s kid or written on their tee shirt on a is a deal breaker for even respecting someone’s basic human existence.
Our child knows the context in which he can use his “at home words” and he also knows that he’s allowed to use big words to convey big feels to advocate for himself and others when he needs to. I wish more grown-ups had those skills!
This brings us to politics. Sustainable living requires political engagement. Nebraska is largely dominated by two groups – the far right, and the middle-ish people that are more turned off by the word fuck than the fact that the far right kinda would like the fuck-saying people to get big dead so they do not engage at all because their privilege protects them from the worst of the fallout.
That’s a fucking problem.
Be in the middle on using bad words, but holy crap you can’t just hang out in the middle on social justice issues and expect that not to backfire into real bad things. Notably, most of the really great progressive, climate-advocating, human rights-demanding candidates here are INCREDIBLY respectful and maintain their composure by not using bad words even when they are attacked by really bad people.
That is why I support them. Because I’m the no-filter person who would just lose my shit. And I know that it is important to have politicians in office that will listen to my sweary rants, and ALSO to the folks who have concerns but will never get past the word fuck.
The TLDR of this rant is simply that it takes all kinds, folks, and climate justice IS social justice. If the people using expressing their big feels through profanity is a deal breaker for you, but you also demand “peaceful protest” and “compromise” and other such things….you have some big thinking to do this day.
Anywhoooooo, Happy Tuesday! Please remember, this is not an airport so you do not need to announce your departure if you decide to unfollow
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