no, zero waste & minimalism are not the same thing

Just a happy little reminder that Low Waste and Minimalism do NOT have to be associated with each other unless you want them to.

This is my room. You’ll notice – it’s busy. It’s got a lot of *stuff* in it. I do noooottt like the plain Jane minimalism vibe.

Do I purchase new objects to suit my style very often? Almost never. This is the product of years and years of “curating” secondhand, handmade, locally sourced, hand me down, upcycled stuff and things.

Anything in here that I did Do A Consumerism™️ for in a traditional sense (see: Legos) I had wanted for a long time and got as a gift or a special treat. Which I like – it makes those buy nothing exceptions so special and I truly *enjoy* and *value* those purchases.

If you’re wanting to reduce waste and consumerism in your life but hung up on not wanting to feel like you have to make a vow of poverty and boredom – hey hi hello 👋🏼 We make space for unpacking that here too!